Pain to Brain Chiropractic Workshop, Atlanta, GA
Become certified as a Brain Based Chiropractor in this live 12 hour workshop.
Become certified as a Brain Based Chiropractor in this live 12 hour workshop.
The Pain to Brain Chiropractic Conference is designed to shift the paradigm, using science and chiropractic philosophy, regarding chiropractic from pain to brain. Not only in the chiropractor’s own mind but also in their patient’s minds.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacus nibh, aliquet vitae sem eu, lobortis dapibus enim. Quisque ultrices augue quis dapibus pharetra.
TRUCHIRO is the brain child of Dr. Clint Steele. In 1993 Dr. Steele graduated from chiropractic college and set out to change the world’s health. Unfortunately, what he found in the real world was not what he was taught in school.