Over 90% of your community is suffering from what we refer to as Stressed Brain Syndrome.
Stressed Brain Syndrome is the brain and nervous system’s inability to adapt to and recover from stress.
The good news is that it can be reversed and this is the power of moving from pain to brain. Our Brain Based Practice Blueprint will help you do just that.
Watch/Listen to our free webinar/podcast.
Implement our Brain Based Practice Blueprint
According to numerous experts including the NIH, the cause of over 90% of all disease is STRESS. More specifically it is the inability for the brain and nervous system to be able to adapt to and recover from stress. It is at the foundation of OVER 90% of ALL DISEASE! This includes not only pain but sleep issues, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, headaches, hormonal issues, reproductive issues, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, and even more severe issues including things like autoimmune issues, cancer, dementia, Alzheimers Dz, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, and so much more!
In addition, it is estimated that 90% of your community is suffering from an overstressed brain and nervous system. 90%!!! Most of whom are just covering up symptoms with medications because they don’t know what else they can do while damage to their brain continues.
Imagine when word gets out that you are a brain and nervous system specialist instead of being known as a pain specialist? Imagine what would happen to your practice, to your retention, to your referrals, to your income and most importantly to the impact on your health, the health of your family and the health of your community, IF you actually measured in live time how the brain adapts to and recovers from stress and then improved your patients brain function by providing the right care for that specific person’s brain and nervous system patterns.
If you are ready to truly walk into your greatness and become what you are meant to be as a health care provider who focuses on the true cause of disease, then now is the time.
We will show you the way.
Watch our free webinar or
download our free ebook
Schedule a free discovery call
Implement our Brain Based Practice Blueprint