A Better Option for Your Child’s Ear Infection and Why!

If you’re a parent, there’s a better than average chance that you’ve had a child with an ear infection, maybe even chronic ear infections. Which means there’s also a really good chance that you took your child to a pediatrician who prescribed an antibiotic.

But did you know that there’s a better alternative?

Ear infections are the number one reason parents take their kids to the pediatrician and account for around 35% of all pediatrician office visits. In other words, this is a huge problem. And one in which a better alternative is definitely needed.

The Problem

The problem is the treatment itself – antibiotics! The research is clear; antibiotics are not effective when treating ear infections in many cases. And now, the medical profession is beginning to change its position on antibiotics as a treatment option for ear infections.

However, there’s another reason why antibiotics are a poor treatment option – and a reason for their ineffectiveness – and that’s something we call antibiotic resistance.

This issue has become a global problem and one that transcends well beyond ear infections. Antibiotics have been used so prevalently for so many conditions and illnesses that we’ve built up a resistance. And you’ve heard the saying – whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

This is why using antibiotics to treat ear infections has become less effective.

The Truth

The truth is that bacteria and germs are all around us, all the time. There is no escaping them. And most of the time, they don’t affect us at all.

So, when do bacteria and germs affect us? They affect us when our immune systems are weakened or when our immune systems aren’t functioning as they should. And one reason for this is because our nervous systems have become much too stressed.

The brain coordinates every bodily system and function, through the nervous system. When the nervous system is stressed, it doesn’t function as well, and thus that brain to body coordination and communication is hampered, and those bodily systems (like the immune system) and functions begin to falter, which leads to illness and disease.

Nervous system stress can be physical, chemical, or emotional. Stress is all encompassing in our modern world, it’s nearly impossible to isolate yourself from it. Which means the best course of action is keeping your nervous system healthy.

Research has backed this up and shown that the nervous system controls the immune system, and when the nervous system isn’t working properly, that’s when bacteria and germs cause problems, like your child’s ear infection.

The Solution

The solution is keeping your nervous system healthy, but how do you do that?

One great alternative that may surprise you is chiropractic adjustments!

There is a common misconception that goes something like this – chiropractors only treat back and neck pain. However, what chiropractic care really does is keep the nervous system healthy and functioning properly.

Research also shows that chiropractic adjustments can help treat ear infections faster and more effectively.

One 1996 study published in JMPT, showed that 93% of children who received chiropractic adjustments for their ear infections showed improvement. More than 75% showed improvement in less than 10 days and 43% showed improvement after just one or two visits.

It comes down to this, do you want to get to the source of the problem or just try and combat individual symptoms?

Germs and bacteria aren’t going anywhere. However, our bodies are completely capable of handling them, which is why we have immune systems. The key is making sure your immune system is working as it should, and this requires a nervous system that’s working properly.

Please share this information. The normal treatment option of kids going on antibiotics over and over for ear infections (or other things) is doing more harm than good and is only contributing to a cycle of suffering.

Get adjusted.


About Truchiro

TRUCHIRO is the brain child of Dr. Clint Steele. In 1993 Dr. Steele graduated from chiropractic college and set out to change the world’s health. Unfortunately, what he found in the real world was not what he was taught in school.

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