As the start of another school year rolls around after a year of online learning for many, there is sure to be some stress involved.
This week we have been focused on what that stress looks like (how you can tell if your child is stressed), the health issues that this stress can cause and most importantly how to help your child deal with that stress.
As we have discussed in previous weeks, stress is one of the major causes of physical and emotional health issues, not only in adults but also in children. A 2012 study found that over 35% of American children experience a stress related health problem. It also concluded that over 50% of kids who were stressed, noticed symptoms. (1)
Further research demonstrates that high levels of stress in children can create issues later in life as adults, including issues such as hypertension, anxiety, depression and more. This research even goes so far as to point out that stress can impair the development of the brain in children, especially the prefrontal cortex (2), which is so important from a chiropractic standpoint as chiropractic adjustments have been shown in research to have a positive effect on the prefrontal cortex. (3)
The following are a few of the changes you may notice that may be a sign that your child is experiencing stress:
🚩Behavioral/Emotional: Moodiness, aggression, withdrawing, focus issues, hoarding, emotional outbursts
🚩Physical: sleep issues, headaches, bedwetting, stomachaches, changes in eating patterns, skin issues, diarrhea/constipation
Long term stress can lead to health issues such as: Obesity, Diabetes, Migraines, Anxiety Issues, Depression, IBS, Constipation, ADD/ADHD among other things. In addition, high stress levels in children also increases the risk of suicide, substance abuse and addiction, STD’s, domestic violence and more.
One thing you can do to help your child better manage stress is to get him/her adjusted regularly.
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to not only help lower stress levels and reduce stress on the brain and nervous system, but also have a positive effect on the cerebral cortex of the brain.
Be sure to like and follow our Facebook page this week we will discussing lifestyle changes and strategies that can help your child better manage and adapt to stress.
1. J Caring Sci. 2012 May; 1(1): 25–30.
2. Cerebrum. 2011 Sep-Oct; 2011: 14.
3. Neural Plast. 2016; 2016: 3704964.