We are so glad you are here and we look forward to helping you…SAVE MORE LIVES!
How Will This Program Benefit Your Practice?
This training will take you from A-Z in planning and hosting a Wine, Women and Wellness Event including using the WWW Event Management System.
This event is ran twice a year and when done properly, following our proven system, it will produce:
On average 30-40 or more new patients who want more than just neck and back pain relief.
It will produce certainty in your current patients so that they "get" the TRUTH about regular chiropractic care being good for them for a lifetime so they will be more likely to stay with you for a life time and bring their families.
PLUS this event will help you develop relationships with other business owners in your area who will not only want a vendor table at the event but will produce referrals on a regular basis.
What to say at the event and how to host the event
How to get women to stay throughout the event
How to ensure women make an appointment to come and see you
How to make sure those women show up for that appointment
Ensure the women accept care
How to have others help pay you to put this event on
What to do when the event is over so as to make sure your next event is a huge hit as well
How to continue to develop relationships with all the attendees so they will not only want to come to the next event but you will stay top of mind for referrals etc.
Here is what is included
Unlimited Access to the WWW Event Planning digital course that will help you plan and host your event.
Membership in our private WWW event planning Facebook group for guidance and support
Free Access to our WWW event management system where you can build and promote your event
Hosting Wine, Women and Wellness events is an integral part of moving your practice from pain to brain!