Package includes everything needed to assess brain and nervous system function during stress and recovery. In addition, the software can be used as part of your care by including biofeedback and neurofeedback should you choose to include those in your care plans.
Package includes everything needed to assess brain and nervous system function during stress and recovery. In addition, the
software can be used as part of your care by including biofeedback and neurofeedback should you choose to include those in your care plans.
Perfect for use in the office following care or as the main treatment to reset the pathway to the brain from any location from a survival mode pathway to a healing mode pathway. The vibrational frequency is the same frequency as the Vagus nerve therefore moving the body into a healing state. Can be used on its own or as an add-on. Can be used at a specific location or as a whole- body therapy. PATIENTS LOVE THIS!
1. The Pain (Symptom) To Brain Quick Start Guide
2. Your Brain Based Day 1, Report of Findings and Care Plan Training
3. The 21st Century Technology Training: Complete Training of The NI, EVU, Brain Tuner & more
4. Automated Patient Retention Email, Text and Social Media Content/posts provided for you to use in practice (6 months free)
5. Direct Access Brain Based Marketing Training and Content
6. Getting Paid Training: Your Financial Packages
7. Brain Based Lifestyle Digital Instruction for Patients (6 months included)
1. The Mental Mindset Program
2. Vision and Goalsetting Workshop
3. Social Media 101 Training
4. Advanced Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Training
5. Brain Based Certification Training
6. Downloads, Forms, resources and Done For You Templates
6 Months of one on one mentorship with Dr. Clint Steele
10 hours of NeuroInfiniti Tech Training and support calls with Dr. Lynn Tran
2 Brain Based Workshops of your choice LIVE Hands On
Custom designed, SEO and Mobile friendly Brain Based practice website, with six months of hosting, maintenance, and security included. Content from our programs and publications is used on your website to help promote your Brain-Based practice online.